AlbuVoid™ LC-MS On-Bead在肺癌和乳腺癌血清样本定量分析(iTRAQ)中的应用-商家动态-资讯-生物在线

AlbuVoid™ LC-MS On-Bead在肺癌和乳腺癌血清样本定量分析(iTRAQ)中的应用

作者:苏州达麦迪生物医学科技有限公司 2016-01-28T17:05 (访问量:4396)



AlbuVoid™ LC-MS On-Bead在肺癌和乳腺癌血清样本定量分析(iTRAQ)中的应用
MONMOUTH JUNCTION, NJ, May 13, 2015 -- Biotech Support Group reports on a new application report describing a quantitative study of cancer sera using a new product for combining albumin depletion, low abundance enrichment and on-bead digestion. The product is an extension of the AlbuVoid™ product line for improved digestion efficiency of serum proteins first enriched with AlbuVoid™. The application report is entitled:

AlbuVoid™ LC-MS On-Bead – Differential Expression of Cancer Sera Proteins Using Quantitative (iTRAQ) Proteomics ( )

The report describes the differential analysis of breast cancer, lung cancer and normal pooled serum samples. iTRAQ peptide labeling was used to track the relative abundances of 201 total proteins, 21 of which were observed to be differentially expressed in one or both cancer samples.

The combined method described in the report shows how low abundance enrichment integrated with on-bead digestion offers many workflow advantages:

Unique chemically derived beads, AlbuVoid™ is a consumable, one-time use product with no potential for cross-contamination or reduced. performance upon regeneration.
Species agnostic; human, rat, mouse, goat, sheep, porcine and bovine sera have been tested.
No in-gel digests, no solution digests, no C18 desalting, more consistent, reproducible results.

The report can be downloaded from the company website at:

“I am very pleased that now with our new AlbuVoid™ product for efficient on-bead methods, digestions of serum samples have been shown to be suitable for quantitative proteomics. Convincingly, several of the proteins we differentially observed have also been cited previously, but were observed only after much more onerous workflows.” states Swapan Roy, Ph.D., President and Founder of Biotech Support Group.



苏州达麦迪生物医学科技有限公司 商家主页

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传 真: 021-51018828


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